Friday, June 26, 2009

Here goes...!

The end of the first week of the Secondary MAC program is coming to an end. My mind is loaded with objectives, taxonomies, and benchmarks. My colleagues are wonderful, and I look forward to working hard and long with them throughout the year. The staff are caring and have much to share. I am excited. What does the future have in store? Look forward to future posts for more.


  1. Leah, this is my first comment on a blog! I'm so excited about this year too!

  2. I'm excited, too, and I agree, Leah! It is an honor and a privilege to learn about the many facets of being a teacher with all the talented students in our cohort and such amazing professors. I'm still kind of disbelief that all of this is happening.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ohh...ohh... what have I done? This is my first time to using blog^^ anyway, I'm very excited to be in this program!!

  5. Hi Leah! So, where are those mountains in your profile? They are gorgeous!! Do you like hiking? Regardless, that picture really makes your blog look absolutely beautiful:) Take care!!


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